COVID-19 Guidelines

As of the 4th of January 2021, the Scottish Government has given the green light for the property market to continue operating during the restrictions. This means that we are still able to provide our services to those interested in selling or moving house.
We have put in place some guidance to help protect our vendors, staff and customers. It is important that we all follow these rules to ensure the safety of everyone and prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
COVID 19 is making its way through the UK
Please find below some frequently asked questions and answers as well as our guidance on how to remain safe while selling or buying a property.
Can I still move house during the current lockdown?
Yes. The Scottish Government has permitted house moves to still go ahead. This means you are still able to sell or buy a property in Scotland in tier 4.
Please see our guidance further below on current procedures in place to keep everyone safe.
Is your office open?
We are currently in the process of moving to a new office and hope to be working from there when able. Please keep an eye on our Facebook for more updates. We thank you for your patience.
Is now a good time to sell my property?
Yes! Rightmove data showed that sales went up over the festive period and we expect interest to continue through the New Year. Despite restrictions, people are still very much interested in buying properties.
Can I still get a valuation? How is it carried out?
You can still get a free valuation for your property. One of our agents will come out to value the property and follow guidelines to ensure your safety. We also offer desktop valuations if you would prefer but we advise that it is best for someone to value the property in person.
- The agent will wear a face mask during the valuation and carry hand-sanitiser. They will sanitise their hands before and after the visit.
- We ask that you turn on all lights and open the doors before the agent arrives so that contact is kept to a minimum.
- Please open all windows to make sure there is ventilation.
- If the space is too small to maintain a safe social distance we will ask if you could please wait in another room until we are finished.
- If you have any symptoms of coronavirus before or after the valuation please notify us as soon as possible.
Are viewings still permitted?
Viewings are still permitted but it is important to follow safety guidelines.
If we are conducting the viewing:
- An agent will arrive early to prepare the house. We will open doors, turn on lights and open windows so that there is ventilation and no need to touch the handles.
- We will sanitise our hands before and after the visit and ask that those viewing the property do the same.
- The agent will wear a face mask during the visit. We ask that those viewing the property also wear a face mask.
- Social distance will be maintained and if it is difficult to do so, we will wait in another room to allow those viewing to look around safely.
- We will contact the people viewing the property beforehand to advise of these guidelines.
- Please do not be offended if our agent does not shake your hand when greeting. We are doing our best to minimise contact.
If the vendor is conducting the viewing:
- Please maintain social distancing at all times. If it is difficult to keep apart then please consider moving to a different area and providing space for people to look around the home safely.
- Face masks and coverings should be worn at all times during the visit unless medically exempt.
- Please turn on lights and open windows prior to people arriving for the viewing. This means they will not need to turn the light on during the visit and that the rooms are well ventilated. Doors should also be opened before the visit takes place.
- Please notify us immediately if there has been a change in your health or anyone you have been in contact with which would mean the viewing could not go ahead.
- Please wash and sanitise your hands before and after the visit. We will ask those viewing to do the same.
- Surfaces should be cleaned down before and after the visit. Handles should also be cleaned.
If you are viewing a property:
- If you are unwell and suspect it could be a risk, please notify us and do not attend the viewing.
- Sanitise or wash your hands before and after a viewing.
- Refrain from touching surfaces unless necessary.
- Use a face mask if you are medically able.
- Only attend the property with someone else from your household. Anyone else that accompanies you will be asked to wait outside.
Maintain distance. Our agent or the person conducting the viewing will wait in another room if there is not enough space to make it safe